Project 365!

Over the past week or two I’ve been mostly doing studio shoots for clients. Of course there’s nothing wrong with that but in weeks like these I sometimes miss the freedom of using the world as my studio (As cliche as it may sound!) To keep growing creatively (in but also outside the studio!) I have decided I’ll be starting a good old 365 project. Meaning that I’ll take and post a photo every single day for an entire year to keep myself creatively sharp.
For my 365 project I am planning to use my Fujifim x100 most of the time. I’ve had this camera for several years now and use it as my ‘compact camera’ during holidays, road trips, city trips etc. and wow – It’s still such a fantastic little machine. So starting today I’ll be taking my X100 everywhere I go during my daily activities.
Curious? Follow my Project 365 on instagram or like my Facebook page!